Friday, July 30, 2010


just cause you in asia, don't mean all asian girls are easy.
get over yourselves.
be realistic.
you may be the kings of hollywood now, but just wait until you get back home.
no more asian chicks bowing at your throne of foreign wonder.
STOP wearing things such as oh... american eagle, abercrombie and fitch, and hollister head to toe.
you live in korea for goodness sake. go buy some new clothes.
side note: fake ed hardy is worse than ed hardy. please avoid.

gosh, i need a vacation.

ps. i may regret these statements tomorrow.
i am not my usual positive self.
i deeply apologize...maybe.



  1. fo realz gurl, ed hardy is the shit. you just a h8r, all h8ing on shit and shit. hear dat? them collars be pop pop poppin boo.

  2. Ed Hardy is disgusting. I totally judge anyone who wears it.
