Thursday, December 29, 2011

tripitaka koreana via haeinsa via mount gaya.

if i see another UNESCO world heritage sign in this country, i'm going to vomit all over their kimchi.

smelly cat.  smelly cat.  y do u smell so bad?

the entrance.

creepy buddhas.

my co-worker lookin' so cute and dandy.

prayer walk.

why can't i just ring that bell?


so serene.

barry's favourite photo.

yay culture!

shoes of those who believe.


no it isn't photoshop.

turtle grave.

more graves.

holly sitting on a grave.


yay frozen river.


there are no pictures of the actual tripitaka koreana because a grumpy old korean man followed us around making sure that we did not enjoy ourselves while in awe of the wonders that is the buddhist script naturally preserved on carved wooden blocks.  jerk.


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